Sunday, 29 September 2013

Photoshop and Indesign

Photoshop and Indesign are both software tools made by Adobe that will let me enhance my media work for the forth coming year. Photoshop allows you to play around with pictures with its hundreds of the features allowing you to play around with it making it any way you can. Indesign is slightly different whereas its very similar to Microsoft Publisher, helping you create different things such as leaflets, posters or in our case for this year, a magazine.

The first feature I found useful on Adobe Photoshop was the feature to crop pictures. for example if there is a space of a picture that i do not need i am able to delete/crop that out and focus on one specific object of my choice. Below you can see that the top picture is the original but i have decided that i wanted to get rid of the unnecessary sky and just focus on the main feature, the planes.

Another feature that i found useful was the lighting. On photoshop i am able to change any parts of light on the picture to make it brighter, darker or maybe even a completely different colour. It allows for many colour alteration, a feature that can help you get the effect and highlight detail that you want. for the pictures below the first picture wasnt what i wanted, so i decided to make the picture brighter, clearer to make the pitch and players stand out more than they did before.

The feature that i used for the below pictures is a tool that i struggled with and was hard to get used too and thats the clone stamp tool. This helps you get rid of the bottles and leave behind what you want. As its a static picture and the computer doesn't know what the background is then the clone stamp helps. As the back ground is a nature setting then you are able to clone of a picture of the nature in the back and this allows you to wipe out the bottles leaving you with a realistic nature picture as you would find believable.

 Finally the last picture is the spot healer tool. This allows the user to get rid of the small parts of the picture that can be erased to make something look more clearer and purified. Many magazines use this tool to make sure that the celebs that they are photographing are as perfect as they can be. on the picture below is a before and after picture of a young boy who has many spots, but using spot healer has now been cleared up and looks more professional.

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